close Warning: Can't synchronize with repository "(default)" ("(default)" is not readable or not a Git repository.). Look in the Trac log for more information.


Make sure you have appropriate package repository configured.

Configure Apt Repository

To begin we'll need to add the Orbit apt repository to the list of sources that our console will pull packages from. This is done by running the following two commands.

Note: It is assumed that you have root access and can run these commands as root if needed

The first installs the orbit repositories gpg-key into the consoles key-ring.

wget -qO - | sudo apt-key add -

Next we download the source list for the repository.

wget -qO /etc/apt/sources.list.d/orbit.list

Once we have these changes in place, we need to update the repository list via

apt-get update

The GNRS server is installed with:

sudo apt-get install gnrs

This will install the following components:

  • gnrs executable: Java implementation of DMap. The binary is provided as a jar file called gnrs-server-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar installed under /usr/lib/mfjava/

Compiling From Source

1.1. Required Packages

The implementation has been tested on Ubuntu 10.04, 12.04 and 13.04, but it should work on basically any linux distribution (or any platform supporting JAVA). These are the required packages (for Ubuntu).

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get -y install git-core openjdk-7-jdk maven

openjdk-7-jdk can be replaced with the preferred JAVA version

1.2. Download MobilityFirst Sources

Git: The development versions of the prototype components can be checked out from the MobilityFirst git repository host on orbit-lab:

git clone ssh://

Note: cloning the git repository requires setting your ssh agent to use your orbit-lab key pair.

Set and export path of top-level folder to an env. variable 'MF_HOME'

export MF_HOME=/home/username/mobilityfirst

1.3. Compiling the GNRS

After deciding whether to include OML in the created executable compile the Host Protocol Stack:

cd $MF_HOME/gnrs/jserver

python -i
#When prompted, the version is "0.6" (option 2) and the artifactId is "patricia-trie" (option 1)

mvn clean package

Optionally install the generated jar into your system folder:

sudo install -d /usr/lib/mfjava/
sudo install -m 755 target/gnrs-server-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar /usr/lib/mfjava/
Last modified 9 years ago Last modified on Jul 7, 2015, 7:51:22 PM
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