== CLICK MODULAR ROUTER == ---- ||'''CLICK INSTALLATION'''|| * Download from [http://www.read.cs.ucla.edu/click/click-1.6.0.tar.gz] * tar -xvf click-1.6.0.tar.gz * cd click-1.6.0 * ./configure --disable-linuxmodule --enable-local * '''MAKE and INSTALL''' (''inside the click-1.6.0 directory'') * make -j2 (''Click will now run'') * userlevel/click conf/test.click * Output should be five times ok: 40 | 45000028 00000000 401177c3 01000001 02000002 13691369 * Optional: install Click systemwide (as root) * Become root: su * make install * click /conf/test.click should work '''''Every time you change elements you must do a make install''''' ---- || Click [http://read.cs.ucla.edu/click/]|| || Elements of CLICK [http://read.cs.ucla.edu/click/elements]|| || Beginner [http://www.pats.ua.ac.be/software/click] ||